Pink Bellied Sideneck Assorted - C241124151
pink bellied side neck - Emydura subglobosa
We have various Pink Bellied Sidenecks available. Pink Bellied Sidenecks are $40.00 each.
Currently, we have THREE available:
TWO at 6" or larger
ONE smaller than 6"
African Muds Assorted - C241124150
African mud turtle - Pelusios castaneus
We have various African Mud Turtles available. African Mud Turtles are $30.00 each.
Currently, we have FOUR available:
TWO at or larger than 6" carapace
TWO smaller than 6" carapace
African Sidenecks Assorted - C241124149
Helmeted / African Side Neck Turtle - Pelomedusa subrufa
We have various African Sidenecks available. African Sidenecks are $30.00 each.
Currently, we have FOUR available:
TWO at about 4" carapace
TWO at about 5" carapace
Rascal - C230820119
Leopard Gecko - Eublepharis macularius
Sudden moves scare me, but I have not bit anyone yet! Be gentle lifting me out of the enclosure and I'll let you hold me. I can be a little picky sometimes, but I'll usually eat fine.
Yellow Belly Sliders Assorted - C220117005
Yellow-Bellied Slider - Trachemys scripta scripta
We have several smaller yellow bellies and some large ones! These guys need a decent sized pond or tank at least 100 gallons if kept indoors or 4ft deep pond or heated pond for outdoors to be considered to adopt any of our Yellow Bellies!
They are hard to tell apart but this is what we currently have:
6 with 5 inch carapace or smaller $25 a piece --
3 with 9 inch carapace or larger $20 a piece --
We also are willing to lower adoption fee if adopting multiple to a big pond!